Thursday 14 May 2015

Faith in humanity restored - Incident 1

❝ I had gone to Domino's to buy myself a taco! While I was standing at the counter and placing my order I saw two little hands trying to find their way through the crowd to get their order which had just gotten ready.
I was in a hurry so I quickly placed my order and being told to wait for 15 minutes I started looking for a chair in the jam packed place that Domino's becomes on Sundays. I was unable to find any when I suddenly saw 1 chair empty at a table where these two were happily chatting and having their pizza. I asked them if I could sit there and Tuqlaq (the child on the right) was quick to smilingly say, "haan didi aap beth jaiye".
I sat there, took out my phone in a bid to pass some time and not even a minute had passed when these two paused eating and pushed that small pizza before me and asked "didi aap bi khaoge?" Sigh!
It was just overwhelming. I was so deeply touched. I got to know that Tuglaq and Kasim had been saving money since the past few MONTHS to have this tiny pizza which they confessed that they absolutely loved.. I couldn't help but think that in-spite of the fact that they are so hunger stricken, they don't know me, have just this 1 small pizza to share amongst BOTH of them for which they have been saving since such a long time, these kids had a heart to share it with me. They might not have a big pocket like many of us but they had a really big heart.
I told them to keep having their pizza and hold on with their funny stories ,which they were telling me and I just got up, (recollecting that these two, while taking their order, had asked the price of a choco mousse but having counted their money they had realised that they didn't have enough of it and had walked away)
I went to the counter, bought that tasty choco mousse and gave it to them.
The smile on their faces was just inexplicable and their mouths didn't stop even for a second then until that thing got over.
Some beautiful things happen in the most unexpected times with the most unexpected people!❞

-  Rishika Gaur


Courtesy: Logical Indian

Oil spill or something else. Watch and get amazed

When I saw this video I though it's a massive oil spill but when few minutes passed, I was blown away. Check out the video to find out.

Thank God it wasn't an oil spill and Thank You God for such surprises.

Courtesy:  Scripps Oceanography

Monday 11 May 2015

Ever wondered How big is Samsung? Watch it and get your answer.

While using your samsung phone,TV or washing machine have this question every crossed your mind. HOW BIG IS SAMSUNG? The list is quite big and this blog will felt short describing all of them. Watch this video and get your answer. 

Amazing isn't it?

Video Courtesy: ColdfusTion

Sunday 10 May 2015

Pervert girl alert: Girls check out guys crotch bulge on train - Part 2

Is it always guys staring at girl's body. This video will break the the stereotype that most people have. Youtube channel Crotch Cam did a social experiment and shot this video of women staring at the guy's bulge. Girls are pervert 

Warning: If you are a woman and get offended easily please exit peacefully.

Click here for Part 1


Pervert girl alert: Girls check out guys crotch bulge on train - Part 1

Is it always guys staring at girl's body. This video will break the the stereotype that most people have. Youtube channel Crotch Cam did a social experiment and shot this video of women staring at the guy's bulge. Girls are pervert

Warning: If you are a woman and get offended easily please exit peacefully.

Click here for Part 2

Saturday 9 May 2015


Mom's are irreplaceable. Mom's are affectionate. There's is no one who can match the status of Mom not even God. I don't need a special day to celebrate or thanks mother's day but since today's is dedicated to mother's I would love to take this as an opportunity to say express how much I love you Mom. I don't often say this but I do love you from all my heart. Thanks for taking care of me, making me what I am today. I wish Happy Mother's Day to you and Mom's all around the world. Thanks for giving me birth. I Love You Mummy.

Being Indian shot this video on the eve of Mother's Day and the love and emotions expressed by these people will melt your heart. Be grateful to your Mom always :) . Enjoy the video.


P.S. We don't claim filming this video.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Yanna Rascala Mind it. Rajnikanth's bottle is no less than rajnikanth.

I along with few of my friends shot this funny commercial for a college event. Video is all about Rajnikanth's bottle having universal powers as him :P. Bottle overturned a car that came over it. Watch this hilariously funny video and share it with others

P.S. This Video is shot entirely by us.
Infolinks 2016